So I was sitting in the McDonald's drive-thru yesterday after my Bible study.
As I was making my order and dutifully pulling forward to Window Number One, I realized something. This whole drive-thru phenomenon was so much like my walk with God a few months ago.
Though my heart yearned for a sit down four course meal with God, what I was really giving him was a Big Mac and Fries in a paper bag. Quick, easy, and cheap. I would notch that item off my to-do list and move on with my day.
But just like the fast food diet, my fast food faith left me seriously malnourished.
I needed to give God the time that He deserves. Bringing my Bible into church on Sunday and having it still be in the van the next Sunday morning didn't feed me properly. We need a steady intake of His word, His time, and His love.
Without that, we won't ever truly be satisfied.
So I'm getting better. My Bible has a new place now - on my dining room table, right by where I eat. It doesn't even get put on the shelf anymore, because I don't want it to get lost in the shuffle of the "busyness" of my days.
Sure, I still have my "Fish Fillet" moments...but now they are surrounded by Turkey and mashed potatoes.
Costa Rica-- Our Last Day in Alajuela
7 years ago
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