This morning, I was playing with my toddler and suddenly thought that I should grab my camera and take pictures of him. No big deal, right? I wasn't sure why I was picking that exact moment to do a photo study, but I went with it. I didn't think to myself, "Oh, this is God talking, I better listen," but I didn't know that it wasn't. So I took the pictures...not just one, but around 15. Different angles, different expressions. Beautiful close-ups of his face as he turned to look at me; rapid shots of him toddling away. When I put the camera down, I felt satisfied for no reason at all.
About two hours later, we went to the mall so my oldest daughter could get her ears pierced. While my husband and I were waiting for the girls to be done shopping, I had an idea. James had been referred to as a girl probably about six times in just one day. I had until this point refused to cut his hair, because he had the most adorable ring of curls around his head. Steve placated me for a while, but I could tell that he thought it was getting a little silly, especially when one of my girls surprised him by putting James in pig tails.
"All right," I thought, "Enough is enough. I'll just walk down the hall and take him to the salon. We'll get his little boy haircut that everyone's been telling me about."
I was about halfway to the hairdresser when I realized that I was forgetting a crucial part of the first-hair-cut ritual: my camera. So I went to Coach House disposable cameras. Sears, same thing. Radio Shack, ditto. I was so sad. Here I had gotten myself all geared up to make my baby into a little man, and I was going to have to wait because I would have no way of documenting the beautiful curls I had caressed for a year.
That's when I remembered the pictures I had taken earlier. I remembered the urge I had felt to take photo after photo of my little boy. I didn't need a disposable camera, because the pictures were already taken.
It was an amazing realization. That still, small feeling I'd had? God knew my day. Would I have had heartbreaking consequences if I hadn't listened? Not this time. But I would have been frustrated and disappointed. How amazing is it that God cares about even the small moments of our life?
Sometimes a little Yes blesses you in a big way.
Costa Rica-- Our Last Day in Alajuela
7 years ago
Beautiful! You are such an inspiration to me!