I had an interesting experience the other day when I was getting out of the shower. (I know, there are a lot of bath and shower references on my blogs, but I tell you, it's one of the only times that I have uninterrupted thoughts! I can see you nodding your head in commiseration.)
I had brought a brand new towel into the bathroom with me. It was a really soft beach towel that had a thick black border and brown and black horses parading across its center.
I grabbed it and quickly wrapped myself in its warmth. A minute or so later I discarded the towel to the bathroom floor and climbed into my clothes.
But what strange thing had happened to my arms? Why would I be dirtier after a shower than I was before?
It took me seconds longer than I care to admit to realize that what looked like dirt was actually towel fuzz. Lots and lots of towel fuzz.
One minute of contact with that towel and I would be picking off the remnants all day.
We should strive to be brand new fuzzy towels for Christ. God's Word tells us that we are the light of the world. (Matthew 5:14) Can we not, by shining His light through us, touch others and leave those fingerprints of God's love behind?
After seeing the joy of our hearts, might not someone wonder where the "fuzzies" have come from?
It doesn't take much. Just like with my momentary encounter with that towel, a moment is all that is needed to leave the imprint of Christ on someone's heart.
Be a brand new fuzzy towel. You never know what the results might be.
Costa Rica-- Our Last Day in Alajuela
7 years ago
:) I like that.